For Apple Airplay, see this article.
Many errors we see right now are solved by unlinking your TV provider in your device settings and relinking your TV provider in our apps.
If you are having trouble using Chromecast, make sure both your devices are:
- Compatible, updated, on and nearby,
- Connected to the same Wi-Fi with a strong signal, and that both
- Location and Bluetooth services are enabled for the casting device and the app. (Chromecast uses Wi-Fi but has a "guest mode” to cast without needing a network password, using Bluetooth.)
If this doesn't help, please try to:
- toggle Bluetooth on/off,
- toggle Wi-Fi on/off, and
- toggle on/off the Allow Video Over Cellular in the MORE section of the app.
If Chromecast still isn't working, try Google's Chromecast troubleshooter.